“Satin Lives.”
Just a personal blog, kept since 2008.
Photo type posts were originally posted to Tumblr as this type so that the image would be prominent on the platform. These posts may or may not be primarily about that photo.
“Satin Lives.”
Michael Cera as Nick from “Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playist”.
I love this movie, and wish the “Official Soundtrack” had more of the good tracks on it. It would save me some detective work.
Vicky Christina Barcelona.
Worth a second look, one of my favorite Scarlett movies.
Oh boy, I loathe the Skycity Cinemas site with a mighty passion. I once emailed them about it with some friendly tips, and yes a bit of a whinge.
Why oh why did they think it was a good idea to slap on a poorly implemented bastard cousin of cover flow?
I did get a response to my rant:
“Thank you for providing your feedback on the Beta version of our new
website. As the site is set out a little differently it will take a
while to familiarize yourself with it and we understand that this can be
frustrating. Thank you for giving us your thoughts regarding the
difficulty you experienced while looking at our site.”
And that was April 2008. Ech.
Have you tried to browse that site mobile? Take my advice and just don’t.
Redesign – excellent idea. Send it!
Marshall redesigns the Skycity cinemas website, a dramatic (and much needed) improvement. Send it in man, nice work.
“How to get shot by The Satorialist” on Refinery 29, pretty true really, there are definitely formulae at play…