Pretty much my new favorite movie. “Away We Go” was made last year and directed by Sam Mendes (best known for American Beauty and Revolutionary Road), why did I not know about this sooner?

I now have a major crush on Burt Farlander (played by John Krasinski from the US version of The Office), the somewhat geeky but adorably hilarious 30-something boyfriend who just wants to be the best dad he can be. That guy should always have a beard and glasses.

The film follows Burt and his partner Verona as they travel America and Canada visiting friends and family and looking for a new place to settle. With three months to go before the arrival of their daughter, there is a huge focus on the parenting methods of the people they visit.

It’s not all babies though, with a few life lessons acknowledged, this film has a lot to share.

With music by Alexi Murdoch (of “Orange Sky” fame, one of many great tracks from Garden State), there was no way I was not going to love this movie. Definitely watching again.

Dakota Fanning may step into Dorothy’s shoes for new Wizard of Oz

Dakota Fanning could be poised to don the ruby slippers for a sequel to The Wizard of Oz. But be warned, the studio is claiming this new version will be "darker and more action-packed” than the original 1939 musical.“ – The Guardian

That is not good. Sequels, boo. Dakota Fanning? What the hell. And, darker and more action packed? The flying blue monkey things still give me the creeps thanks.