Helen is one of my “bestest friends in the whole wide world”, and has recently jetted off to Vancouver with her brilliant man, Red. Here she is looking terribly chic and making me terribly jealous.

Red is blogging away here on Tumblr about their experiences as they travel through Europe, and the joys and challenges they face as they take his wheelchair on the road – which is incredibly inspirational, not just for the disabled community.

You can follow Red’s Tumblr blog, or check out his disability news blog, Walking is Overrated.


Helen soaking up the NZ$3.50 FILTER coffee in Cornwall, Vancouver. Bleugh!

The server is down at work so no emails! I’m on the phone to the tech support guys.

GPOY and it’s not even Wednesday. My hair got darker last night, think it’s going to take a bit of getting used to.

Pro tip – you really should cover your sink with newspaper or something before getting into the dark dark brown hair dye. Unless you’d like your bathroom to be speckled.

Saw this photo on last.fm when I was listening to the artist, Beach House, and loved it. The colours are fierce, who told me red and pink can’t ever work?

So I went on a searching spree to find out who shot the image, and though I haven’t found definitive evidence, Jason Nocito’s promo photos for Sub Pop of the band include one with the same jackets. So let’s believe the picture is his (check out his portfolio, it’s full of gold).

It’s incredibly annoying not being able to find who an image was created by, but Tin eye and Google image search by colour really really help. All I want to do is credit the photographer!